Return and refund policy

We provide a 30-day exchange /refund options according to the table below:

Returned item condition

Shipping Fees


The product is in its original condition and the package has not been opened at all

Shipping fees will be deducted from the refund amount

The customer has changed his mind

Provides you with a copy of the agent’s report and all its attachments


The product will be returned and checked and the customer will be answered within 72 hours

The product has a defect and is accompanied by a technical report from the agent

  • *The item is inspected by us within (5 -7) working days
  • In case the item is defected, the customer can freely choose to exchange or to be fully refunded.
  • In case the item is non-defective, the item is returned back for free to the customer. If the customer rejects to receive the item, then it will be stored at our side for maximum 3 months after which you can no longer claim.


How to return:

  • Call us on  +02 010 100 887 28
  • The item is returned or refunded by the courier representative according the table above.


General Notes: 

  • Items that don’t satisfy the return conditions stated in the table above will not be received.
  • Customer can return the item directly upon receiving it from the courier representative unless the package is opened and pay for the delivery charges.
  • Order is not to be refused or returned with the same representative after it was opened. If needed customer have to contact the customer care department.
  • Orders are sent only to private addresses( work address or home)
  • Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment.